Tag Archives: music

Music while writing?

Do you listen to music while you write? I’ve met people who have to have music on, maybe even a specific artist, in order to write, while others have to have silence.

For me, it kind of depends on my mood. I often write with some music on for background noise. The type of music depends on what I’m writing. A serious or background scene calls for something slower, while an action scene calls for something more fast-paced. Is the character joyful? Then “happy” music is a must.

The key for me is to have the music low enough it is just background noise and I don’t get distracted by singing along with my favorite songs. I’d hate to end up with a verse of a song in the middle of my story.

Of course, I don’t always write with music. Sometimes quiet is more conducive to getting my creative juices flowing. Other times, I enjoy the sounds of nature, the birds singing and crickets chirping.

What do you like to listen to while you write?