Author Archives: julieaclements

About julieaclements

I am a writer who lives in El Dorado, Kansas. I enjoy telling a story others will enjoy.

Do you know what will happen?

The girl took a cautious step away from him, as if he were a wolf ready to attack.
“Are you okay?” he asked, holding out his hand to her as one would to a puppy.
She hesitated a few feet away, the light gleamed on the tears streaming down her cheeks. As she brushed away the tears, Tad’s stomach tightened. He’d never been good with tears, just ask his ex-wife. His first instinct was to flee, but the guilt of doing that once before held him there. He pressed his feet onto the pavement, refusing to let them take that first step that would lead him away.
The girl peered up at him and burst out crying again. “They’re gone,” she said between sobs.

Find out who’s gone and what happened to them in “The Eleventh Hour.” Check it out on Amazon or Barnes and Noble at:
Barnes and Noble:

Thank you for the feedback

Thank you to one reader for my latest review on Amazon of “The Eleventh Hour.”
This person wrote: “The Eleventh Hour had me hooked in the first few pages. A man tries to reunite a young girl with her parents who have driven off from a rest stop without her. When law enforcement seem to be less than interested in returning the girl to her parents, the man realizes that sinister forces are keeping her from finding her family. The cross-country chase that ensues is fast-paced and, at the same time touching. This book is well written and I enjoyed it immensely.”
I continue to receive great feedback from those I talk to. It’s wonderful to hear people say they couldn’t put it down.
If you’re looking for a good book to read, check out my novel on Amazon or Barnes and Noble.
Here are the links:

No more losing those little pieces of paper

As I begin to write another novel, I am once again realizing the value of staying organized and making sure all of my characters and scenes are flushed out. I wanted to share with you one iPad ap I found that has been a tremendous help to me.

I had looked at several writing aps, but none of them really did what I had envisioned, then I found the ap A Novel Idea. It has been great so far.

You can put in your characters and it provides the form for the character sketch including such things as height, hair color, habits, traits, conflicts, motivation, skills and more. Things I hadn’t even thought about in fact. So far I have been able to create as many characters as I have wanted, so I don’t know if there is a limit.

In addition to fleshing out characters, you also can put together scenes, including location and setting, as well as take notes for a book.

You also can great a file for each novel, including setting, tone, location, genre and more. Then you can link scenes or characters to the corresponding book or books.

It has been a great organizational tool for me and I’m not losing those little scraps of paper anymore that said what hair color my newest character had.

The birth of a new book

With my first book, “The Eleventh Hour,” out and my next one in the final stages of being ready to be released, my next novel has already begun creeping into the back of my mind. Ideas are beginning to swim around in my head at random times throughout the day, pushing their way into whatever I may be doing at the time. I know what that means — it’s time to get on to a new story.

While revising, editing and preparing for publication is rewarding when you see it out there for others to read and begin to get feedback, there’s nothing better than the adventure of starting out on a new journey with your characters.

I’ve been letting ideas take shape and change for a while now, trying to find the perfect story to tell in this third adventure of Tad. Things come and go, some I forget, and others stick around and keep popping back into my head.

I think it’s time to start taking some notes on all of these random ideas and put them into a book. Let’s set off on another adventure. This time I’ll take you along with me on the ride… Here we go.

The Eleventh Hour – check it out now

Chapter 1

A scream snapped Tad out of his nap. “Katie!” he shouted, scrambling to sit up in the van seat. He searched the surrounding darkness for his daughter. His heart pounded in his chest as he gasped for breath. It wasn’t her – she had died. He couldn’t pinpoint the cause of the desperate cry. Only an RV across the parking lot joined him in the desolate rest stop. An army of trees surrounded the area, standing guard. A second shriek pulled his attention back to the motor home. He fumbled for the door handle in the darkness, his fingers finally gripping the cool metal.

Want to find out more about what happens to Tad on his stop in this dark rest area and the adventures and danger that await him? Check out “The Eleventh Hour” by Julie Clements, available on Amazon and Barnes and Noble as an e-book for only $1.99.Image

A great day for reading

What a great day to read a book! At least here it is cool for the middle of May and rainy. I am happy to report I have been receiving great feedback on my latest novel, The Eleventh Hour, by Julie Clements.
As an author, I slaved over this novel for months and months getting it just right to go out to the public. As other writers will understand, at some point you just have to say, OK, it’s as good as it is going to get.
After reaching that point the first of May, I e-published the book through Amazon, Barnes & Noble and Smashwords. 
I have sold several copies and recently received this review:
“I would totally recommend this book for anyone!! It is well written and has something for everyone! This book grabs you from the start and doesn’t let go. It is action packed and full of human emotion. I have read a lot of books the last year and this is the best by far!! I can’t wait until this author comes out with more!! If you don’t read this you are really missing out.”
Check it out at on Amazon at or on Barnes & Noble at